As we approach Thanksgiving, See Your Shadow wanted to take a minute to reflect and show gratitude to all of those that have made our 2020 incredible. We are very thankful to our team at MTS Management who have assisted us in introducing See Your Shadow and our material to so many new fans. We are extremely grateful for all of our radio partners around the globe spinning our records. Special thanks to those listeners of the Sound Machine Country Radio Network as See Your Shadow has had the most requested song on that network for six months of 2020 and to DJ Nik of Whiskey and Cigarettes for all of their support and to Indie Country Radio. To all of those media outlets who have had The Metropolitan Cowboy on your show or featured us in an article, we are so thankful to you and your partnership. While this year has been very trying on so many people suffering in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, we know that it can be very difficult to find things that you can be grateful for. However, in the midst of crises, small victories can be big victories and know that The Metropolitan Cowboy and everybody in The See Your Shadow Network of Stars loves, appreciates and is here to give you some ray of sunshine.